Hajjah Noresah Binte Haji Ramly .
The lady that took care of me right after I was born till now .
The lady that would accept for who I am .
The lady that is willing to take me in anytime .
The lady that is always siding me .
The lady that is always willing to do anything for me .
The lady that will sacrifice anything for me .
The lady that loves me .
And I love her too .
Happy 47th Birthday Mak .
I've never regard her as an auntie but as a mother to me .
She taught me the values of life , she was there for me every single time when I was down .
When I went missing , she fainted , she cried , she shivered .
That was when I realise , she really really love me .
I've spent 14 years of my life with her .
I love my mother , and I never wanna lose her .
No one knows how much I treasure her . I may not show it cause I do not know h
Mak , adik doakan agar Mak dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezeki . Adik akan doakan kebahagiaan mak. Semoga mak di lindungi dari sebarang kejahatan .
I love you .